פרופיל המשרד
Eyal Ziv Architects was established in 1991 and operates in a historic building in the city of Jaffa.
Eyal Ziv Architects is an architectural practice with a reputation for architectural excellence, creativity, originality, accuracy, innovative design, quality, and detailing.
Eyal Ziv is distinctively known for architectural creations that maintain a respect for the culture, history and traditions of the past, while adapting to the present needs and functions, and incorporating innovativeness that points toward the future.
The practice specializes in the field of restoration, rehabilitation and preservation of historical sites, buildings, and its traditional urban surroundings.
In addition the practice specializes in landscape architecture and urban design, design and planning of public and office buildings, including interior design, design and planning of resort and hospitality projects, marine architecture, as well as single and multi residential buildings.
In addition the practice specializes in Documentation Files for buildings intended for restoration, preservation and rehabilitation.
The practice is experienced in interior design for public as well as private projects.
Eyal Ziv Architects believes that every project possesses its own unique nature. It is thus our mission as architects, to reveal that nature, by expressing it through the creation of architecture.
We believe it is important to view each project, from a wide range of perspectives. We place special emphasis on understanding the interaction and symbiosis between the project and its environment, together with the history and culture of the location and its inhabitants.
Synergy can hence be achieved and embraced by rendering a balance among the programmatic requirements of the building, the vision and needs of the client, and the specific characteristics of the project's desired location.
Architecture is in essence multidimensional. To this end, we aspire to create architecture that relates to the fourth and fifth dimensions through instinct and insight.
We aim to create architecture that is in harmony with its surroundings and conveys a sense of humanism, architecture that is creative and unique, and at the same time, fulfills its programmatic requirements.
It is our belief that each project should reflect a balance between architectural excellence, aesthetics, quality design, client needs, and financial requirements.
Each project we plan passes through the following process:
Our architectural practice is unique in the preliminary research processes, which are carried out for each project in the fields of; restoration, rehabilitation and preservation of historic buildings and sites, building modern additions to historic building, as well as tourism and public projects in historic areas.
For projects in the field of historic restoration, rehabilitation and preservation, we carry out preliminary research, which documents the existing physical situation of the site. We carry out theoretical, historical research on the site and its urban/natural surroundings. In addition we research the functional aspects of the site so that when we arrive at the planning stage, we can create the most appropriate planning in conjunction with the urban/landscape surroundings and the functionality to be achieved.
In this framework a detailed documentation file is created for each building or site.
For residential, touristic and public projects in historic areas, in addition to the process detailed above, we do in-depth research on the function so as to adapt the program to fit present needs.
The uniqueness of our planning processes lie in combining the results of the preliminary research together with the elements of program and function required for present needs. Thus synergy is created in the planning processes.
The planning process carried out for buildings/sites intended for restoration and rehabilitation, emphasizes the preservation of the existing urban pattern while introducing the planned object into these surroundings. The planning process pays much attention to the traditional functions of these buildings as well as to the current programmatic needs, and adjusts them to the local urban surroundings.
In planning processes intended for additions to historic buildings, emphasizes is put on the client’s requests and needs.
In depth thinking processes are carried out which analyze the results of the preliminary research (detailed in the previous chapter), and seek for the synergy created by building modern additions to historic buildings.
Our objective is to maximize the planning potential of program and function, taking advantage of existing elements, maximizing the economic potential as well as the building rights on main and service areas.
The new additions to the historic buildings are adapted to their environment. Traditional and modern building technologies are implemented on the constructional and material levels. Work in carried out in close conjunction with expert engineers in these fields.
In planning processes of public buildings, touristic projects and private residences emphasis is put on the needs and requests of the clients. The planning deals with the challenge of combining the wishes of the client together with the environmental, scenic, and urban surroundings in order to create reciprocity between the planned object and the existing elements on the ground.
Architect Eyal Ziv leads the practice. We employ a staff of talented professionals. Our team includes architects, engineers, drafters, interior designers and researchers. In addition we host a range of professional relationships with expert engineers in the fields of marine architecture, historic rehabilitation and civic engineers.
The practice uses the most advanced computer technologies, both software and hardware. In addition, we implement and combine between photography and digital three-dimensional presentations. We excel in the use of modern computerized work techniques, alongside traditional architectural ones such as; manual sketches and drawings.
Our Vision
Eyal Ziv Architects believes that every project possesses its own unique nature. It is thus our mission as architects, to reveal that nature, by expressing it through the creation of architecture.
We feel responsible for each line we draw, since once it is executed in a project it becomes eternal.
Architecture is in essence multidimensional. To this end, we aspire to create architecture which relates to the fourth and fifth dimensions through instinct and insight.
We aim to create architecture that is in harmony with its surroundings and conveys a sense of humanism; architecture that is creative and unique, and at the same time, fulfills its programmatic requirements.
It is our belief that each project should reflect a balance between architectural excellence, highest standards of execution, aesthetics, quality design, client needs, and financial requirements.
It is our belief that each project should be viewed from a holistic point of view, from a variety of perspectives; the physical, the human surroundings, the interaction between the project, the environment, the history and the local inhabitants.
Synergy can hence be achieved and embraced by rendering a balance among the programmatic requirements of the building, and vision and needs of the client, and the specific characteristics of the project’s desired location.


Eyal's professional career began in his adolescent years, when he worked alongside his architect father and assisted him with his various projects amongst which, they jointly restored the family residence, an historic building in the ancient city of Jaffa.
Eyal later formally studied architecture at the prestigious Bezalel Academy for Art and Design in Jerusalem and gained a Degree in Design, in 1987.
In 1990 he gained a second degree in Architecture – B.Arch.
After graduating, he specialized in the field of restoration rehabilitation and preservation of historic buildings and monuments.
His background as a nature and tour guide, as well as his consciousness for the environment, motivated him to study landscape architecture. His love for the sea and for sailing together with his love for architecture encouraged him to study marine architecture.
His professional philosophy is deeply influenced by these varied disciplines, His unique multi-disciplined and multi-faceted approach engenders architectural projects and planning with both a high degree of environmental and urban awareness.
Before establishing his private practice, Eyal, a designed a design of a baptism site for Christian pilgrims in the Jericho area in 1989-1990.
In 1990-1991 he worked for Shimshoni Architects and partnered in the creation of the master plan for the city of Modi'in.
In 1991 he planned and built the Red Sea Star Underwater Restaurant, on The Red Sea in Eilat.
In 1991, he established the "Eyal Ziv Architects" practice, and was commissioned with the urban rehabilitation, restoration and preservation of the Clock Tower Square, The Clock tower monument, the Saria Building, and the East and West Facades of the square. His projects since are reflected on the website.
In 1995 He was awarded the Presidents letter of distinction for preservation.
In 2001 he was awarded the Abraham Karavan prize for Landscape architecture.
In 2002 he participated in the International Competition for the design of the Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp.
In 2003 he participated in the International Competition for the design of Ground Zero, N.Y.
In 2004 His project for the historic restoration of Jaffa was chosen to represent Israel in the Biennale of Architecture in Venice, Italy.

איל זיו הינו בנו של אדריכל החלומות, מעצב האופנה והאמן לורנס זיו ז״ל (1934-2016)